Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Sept 19: Bear Creek-Morrison Half Century

55 miles
I took a vacation day to go cycling. I liked this ride alot, although Mt Vernon Road is a bit narrow and cars seem to pass whether there was room or not.

Bear Creek Lake Park was beautiful and fun to bike through with all its hills and Mount Carbon. I rode through it to on the way out as well as to get back. (There is an option to take Morrison Road but I stuck with the bike path, its much prettier.) Then I biked up Mt Vernon road, up past the Red Rocks entrance. Cars speed on this road and its too narrow, so it was not such a fun segment. Then I turned off onto another road Alameda Parkway, it winds up and over the hogback: Dinosaur Ridge. That was fun to ride, there were alot of hikers, next time I decided I should bring along my hiking shoes. Then I got a bit lost and then I ended up going down the correct bike lane past the world famous speedway (whose name I cannot recall). Then back home through Bear Creek. I hiked around in Bear Creek looking for a potential stealth camping spot. There may be potential spots around there.

Sweet ride. Perhaps my new favorite.

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